UNCAGED LIVE... and Why it Matters

David Bayliff
August 29, 2022

Year 2 will be bigger and better!

In case you haven’t heard by now, we are excited to host our Second Annual UNCAGEDLIVE2022 this October 6-9 in Denver, CO!

Last year’s event was kept to a minimum - only 40 attendees - for a reason.  The hotel conference hall could hold only 50 people max.

We have moved venues this year to be able to accommodate more amazing people who are excited about, and committed to pursuing their own dreams.  

As a result, we already have over 100 registrants for this year’s UNCAGEDLIVE!

But we aren’t stopping there!

We want YOU to join us and the many others who are coming!

Why, you may be asking?

UNCAGEDLIVE is not for us.  It’s for you and your future.

There are several reasons why attending this particular event matters.

Your first question may be “Do I get CEU’s for attending?”.  The answer is no.  But that is part of why we want to explain why attending matters.

If you have ever attended any of the number of APTA (or AOTA) conferences, you may have a perception of what going to an event is like.

We assure you that UNCAGEDLIVE2022 is different.

Attendees come not because they see it as an opportunity to check the CEU requirement box for maintaining their licensure.  

They show up because they seize the opportunity to experience something that offers much more value in the long run - a momentum event that leads to personal and professional growth.  

An essential part of an entrepreneur’s journey is undertaking personal development in a way that one probably would not normally do.  

However, those who are striving to build their dreams quickly recognize that personal growth is a huge component to their businesses achieving success.

To be candid, being both good at and growing a business are not  about learning new treatment techniques.  It’s about understanding how to be good at business.

Therefore, we suggest that attending an event for the growth and learning of YOU should also be included in your list of conferences and courses that you consider.

In last week’s edition of the UNCAGED blog, we discussed the 5 F’s which are essential to developing sustainability in your business: Fitness, Family, Finance, Fulfillment, and Faith.

This year’s theme at UNCAGEDLIVE is about Sustainability.  We will be addressing on a deeper level the 5 F’s.  

You will get to learn from leaders in their respective industries about each of the 5 elements.  

Jake Thompson, CEO of Compete Every Day, and Matt Phillips, CEO of ProAthleteAdvantage, will be two of the leading keynote speakers.  

Their messages and the inspiration that they will deliver will more than get you fired up!

And, of course, there will be insightful deliveries from Josh Payne, Kevin DeGroot, and David Bayliff.  

There are other special guests who will be sharing their knowledge, as well.

We describe UNCAGEDLIVE as a momentum event.  It is truly that.

The information offered is meant to reach deeper than surface level ideas.  In doing so, the attendee is challenged to reflect, to think, and to be transformed.

Open dialogue with others who are experiencing the same causes the inner fire that has been flamed to burn stronger.  

One leaves hopeful, encouraged, inspired, and eager to show the rest of the world how they are ready to conquer it.

In Paulo Coelho’s book, The Alchemist, he tells us that everyone has their own Personal Legend to discover.  While many of us struggle with even conceiving the idea of what that may be, it is being in the presence of others who are doing that can help us to identify and understand what our true purposes are - our Personal Legends.  

UNCAGED exists in order to help clinicians to become uncaged in their professional lives.  

But that’s not all.

We place a large premium on helping others to discover their own Personal Legend.

Being in a large venue of like-minded individuals who are also thinking outside the box in order to smash their dreams and change the face of healthcare is like adding fuel to the fire.

The inspiration and the excitement grows exponentially.

Momentum that propels one forward is created.

In last week’s blog edition, we spoke about Family.

This is exactly how last year’s UNCAGEDLIVE attendees described it - “Not a conference, but a family reunion.”

To us, that is something pretty special.

It speaks volumes as to the level of interaction of dialogue, ideas, experiences, and honest encouragement that were shared.

Knowing that you have a community who truly supports you, who won’t let you fail, is invaluable.

Family can be a strong force.

Your success is our success!

The UNCAGED team

To find out more about UNCAGEDLIVE2022 and to book your hotel reservation in the room block, click here.

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